Thursday, April 18, 2013

There's a Cure for Everything

I heard on a radio show today, “Alcoholism is a disease, and there is no cure." I was like “What? Are you kidding me? Of course there's a cure, there's a cure for everything!”

You just got in touch with the part of your mind that drives you to drink (or fill in any other disease or self-destructive habit) which is the unconscious guilt aka “your secret sins and hidden hates,” which really runs you, and undo it via true forgiveness. Like A Course in Miracles states,“Only salvation can be said to cure.” And, “Salvation and forgiveness are the same.” It goes on to say, “Atonement does not heal the sick, for that is not a cure. It takes away the guilt that makes the sickness possible. And that is cure indeed. “ And, “The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.” Once you remove enough unconscious guilt via true forgiveness, then you’ll no longer find self-punishment attractive. ~ Mikey

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