The Foundation for Inner Peace reported over the weekend the passing of Dr Kenneth Wapnick. This quote from The Disappearance of the Universe, is dedicated to him:
Today, whenever the Course is translated into a foreign language, it's
Ken's job to make sure that the translator truly understands every
single line of the almost 1300 pages. That doesn't mean that Ken is the
only teacher of the Course, but he will be viewed in the future as the
greatest one. He's the one whom students and scholars will still be
reading hundreds, even thousands of years from now.
Here's what Gary Renard had to say about Ken's passing:
I was sitting watching a movie I had gotten from Netflix last night
when Cindy came into the room. She had a very serious look on her face.
Cindy doesn't usually have a very serious look on her face. She's
usually light and breezy. She told me she had some sad news, and I knew
immediately that someone we loved had passed away. The only question
was who? Then she told me that Ken Wapnick had made his transition. I
was a little surprised, not that it happened but that it had happened
so soon. I guess I thought we had more time.
I met
Ken about a half dozen times, including a few private meetings, and
exchanged about 20 letters with him, which I still have. I'm not going
to write a lot about my experience of Ken right now. I think that would
be more appropriate for a book. I know I'm going to be thinking about
him for a long time, and that things will come to me that I want to
share with you. So for now I'll just say something about the first time I
met him, because it speaks volumes about the kind of person he was.
Arten and Pursah had guided me that I should meet Ken and learn
everything I could from him. I can't say I learned everything I could
from him, but I certainly learned a lot. I had driven ten hours to
Roscoe, New York in June of 1998 to see Ken give a presentation called
"Time and A Course in Miracles." Ken spoke about ten hours on the
subject over the weekend and I was dazzled by his brilliance. I got to
sit down and talk with him in private because I had requested to do so,
and he had consented. I wanted to tell him about the book I was writing
and that I wanted to use a lot of quotes from the Course, but that I
would make sure to credit the Course correctly. I was nervous, and Ken
knew it.
I'll never forget how kind he was to me.
Eventually Ken would be the first person to read The Disappearance of
the Universe. But more importantly, as the years went on, I would
sometimes hear him say, "Be kind." I already knew from experience that
Ken didn't just say things, he lived them. He was the kindest person I
ever met, and he inspired me to remember to be kind to people. Of course
there is much more to say about the person who Arten and Pursah
described as the Course's greatest teacher. But for now what I'm
thinking about the most is what a beautiful person he was, and how he
went out of his way to be kind to me when he didn't have to.
Cindy and I joined hands last night, and I spoke to Ken and expressed
my gratitude to him. I know that he's having a very good time right
now, and that we are the ones who still have to deal with what's in
front of our face. Fortunately, we will always have Ken's work to help
us do that. I love you Ken.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Love Has Forgotten No One is Now Available!
Gary Renard's long anticipated 3rd book, Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life is finally out!
You can read my official review for it on Mike's Review of Love Has Forgotten No One
"All judgment is really self-judgment, and all forgiveness is really self-forgiveness." ~ LHFNO
"Intelligence without love is nothing." ~ LHFNO
"Your Creator did not create you to be a body, but to be like your Creator." ~ LHFNO
Join the Love Has Forgotten No One fan page on Facebook:
Join the Gary Renard fan page on Facebook:
Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post daily quotes from Gary Renard's trilogy:
Giddy up!
You can read my official review for it on Mike's Review of Love Has Forgotten No One
"All judgment is really self-judgment, and all forgiveness is really self-forgiveness." ~ LHFNO
"Intelligence without love is nothing." ~ LHFNO
"Your Creator did not create you to be a body, but to be like your Creator." ~ LHFNO
Join the Love Has Forgotten No One fan page on Facebook:
Join the Gary Renard fan page on Facebook:
Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post daily quotes from Gary Renard's trilogy:
Giddy up!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
My Review of Gary Renard's Love Has Forgotten No One
My review of Gary Renard's long anticipated 3rd book, Love Has Forgotten No One, is up on Amazon!
The book is scheduled for release on October 8th. Here's the link to my review: Mike's Review of LHFNO
The book is scheduled for release on October 8th. Here's the link to my review: Mike's Review of LHFNO
Monday, September 16, 2013
Review of Gary Renard's Love Has Forgotten No One
This summer I had the opportunity to get a sneak peak of Gary Renard's long anticipated 3rd book, Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life. Here's the link to my review for it in case you'd like to check it out. Love Has Forgotten No One is set to be released on October 8th; it can be pre-ordered at Love-Has-Forgotten-No-One on Amazon
Here's the link to my review: Review of Love Has Forgotten No One
Here's the link to my review: Review of Love Has Forgotten No One
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Review of Marianne Williamson's Return to Love
Well, it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it! I recently read Marianne Williamson's Return to Love for the first time, which is (allegedly) based on A Course in Miracles. Here's my review for it:
3 out of 5 Stars
Just Doesn't Go Deep Enough
Before I get started, I should state that I don't write this review to be judgey of the author or the lovers of this book. I believe this philanthropic woman is very sincere in trying to be truly helpful, and has been by presenting ideas that meet many people where they are at with their spirituality.
With that said, however, I don't find this to be the ideal book to learn about A Course in Miracles. And as Jesus (or as I like call him, J-Dog) says in the Course, "Contrast and differences are necessary teaching aids, for by them you learn what to avoid and what to seek." And, "The Holy Spirit must teach through comparisons, and uses opposites to point to truth."
Now, I am certainly not saying that the author has nothing of value to say here, and that you should avoid this book. It's obviously been very helpful to many people in its own right over the years. And it could very well be exactly what you need for yourself right now. The author certainly has some good things to share. The problem with this book is that it doesn't really represent the true message of A Course in Miracles, which is referred to in the sub-title of this book.
What you really have here is a New Age/Self-Help, semi-dualistic interpretation of the Course, while the Course itself is a purely non-dualistic teaching by nature, meaning that God is and nothing else is. The Return to Love book speaks on the same level as the popular New Age authors whose books I studied in the mid 1990s through early 2000s, most notably Wayne Dyer and Neale Walsch. For me personally, I got to the point on my spiritual path where I outgrew that level of teaching just as everyone else will (or has) at some point. This level of teaching simply just doesn't go deep enough, even if it appears to be very enlightening.
Thus that leads to the other big problem with this book, from A Course in Miracles perspective, is that what the author has to say is geared towards changing the conscious mind and not addressing the unconscious mind, which is what REALLY runs us. Changing the conscious mind will only have a temporary, helpful impact at best. Like most of the iceberg is underneath the surface of the ocean, you can't see it; most of the mind is out of our awareness. But there is a way to get in touch with it, but you won't find that way in this book. And I know for me personally, I didn't make serious progress on my spiritual path until I started addressing the unconscious part of my mind.
On a level that we are not consciously aware of, we have this guilt buried in the mind over the seeming separation from God, what the Course refers to as the "blocks to the awareness of love's presence," and "the secret sins and hidden hates" which we must undo via the true forgiveness process outlined in the Course in order to really be free. As the Course states, "Of one thing you were sure: of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them." This unconscious guilt shows up to us symbolically in the form of all our negative emotions.
The author does talk about the importance of forgiveness, however, there is no real explanation as to what true forgiveness entails, and HOW to apply it in whatever comes up in front of your face on any given day. And leaving out the fact that all our problems are symbolic of the seeming separation from God, "A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct." So the Course teaches that, "Forgiveness is the only function meaningful in time." And, "The way to God is through forgiveness here. There is no other way."
Another thing going on here with this book is that the author uses terms such as "energy"; "consciousness"; "vibration"; and such, making them out to be important and real. However, the Course says of such ideas that they are "...the domain of the ego." The Course also teaches that there is no hierarchy of illusions, "All that a hierarchy of illusions can show is preference, not reality."
Also, the author talks about God in a way that implies that God acknowledges our individual lives here on earth, and that God and the "power of the universe" are one and the same. The author even has prayers in the book that begin with "Dear God." Yet the Course teaches, "The secret of true prayer is to forget the things you think you need."
And according to the Course, there is no world, so how could God acknowledge anything happening in the world, when there isn't one. A pretty far out idea for many, I grant you that, but that is what the Course is teaching and NOT what the author is writing about in this book. And the Course doesn't just say that there is no world. It says, "There is no world! This is the central thought the Course attempts to teach." And, "Whatever is true is eternal and cannot change or be changed." The universe, therefore, is obviously not true, not of God, and has no power. The Course also says, "The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever."
There's barely any mention about going Home in this book, which is what the Course is ultimately all about. Even in the section called Heaven's Gate, the author goes on a political spiel instead, making the world out to be something that needs to be fixed. Yet the Course teaches that the world cannot be fixed, "There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect. But there is indeed a point in changing your thoughts about the world. Here you are changing the cause. The effect will change automatically." And the Course teaches, "This is a course in cause and not effect."
So there is no explanation on what it means to go Home, and how to go about doing that. And as the Course says, "This world you seem to live in is not home to you. And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true." And, "This world is not where you belong. You are a stranger here. But it is given you to find the means whereby the world no longer seems to be a prison house or jail for anyone." So you won't be finding the way to return to where you really belong through this book, at least not by taking it at face value. You're likely to be left with the idea it's about making your life better rather than awakening from what you think of as your life. And there's no mention of our lives being self-predetermined. Like the Course teaches, "The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself."
Furthermore, there's no mention of how time and space is adjusted by the Holy Spirit and disappears for us as we perform a miracle, a miracle meaning that we apply forgiveness on whatever comes up in front of our faces on any given day. "When you perform a miracle, I will arrange both time and space to adjust to it." And, "The miracle shortens time by collapsing it, thus eliminating certain intervals within it."
The author also implies that our uniqueness, individual identity is something to be valued. Yet with the final destination of the Course being the return to Oneness, you can't have both Oneness and individual identities; it's impossible. And the Course teaches, "Forgiveness is the end of specialness." And, "You can defend your specialness, but never will you hear the Voice for God beside it."
I understand, and this is perfectly ok, that very few are ready for the real message of A Course in Miracles which is why there are so many mis-interpretations of the Course out there such as this one. The real message is just too threatening for one's ego for most people at this point in time, including many who consider themselves to be spiritually progressive when they are actually rather conservative. So, it's just a matter of what you're ready to accept, nothing wrong with that, but people shouldn't confuse this book as being the same as the Course.
Don't get me wrong, I do feel that this is a good book for people wanting to investigate new ideas and break free from the thinking of the world and the confines of organized religion, or perhaps for people who struggle with low self-esteem; this would certainly be a step in the right direction. But this book is more about "don't die with an unmet potential" or "live life to the fullest" or "become a better human" kind of a book; certainly nothing wrong with that. However, Return to Love leaves much to be desired if you're looking for a clear explanation on what A Course is Miracles is really all about; you'll just end up confused and conflicted because it's not consistent with the Course, even if you're not consciously aware of it.
Just from the Introduction piece alone the author states, "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here." And, "We came here to co-create with God by extending love." Well, if we didn't have fear, we would not have been born into this world to begin with. In fact, the Course says, "The world was made as an attack on God. It symbolizes fear." So we're not here to co-create with God, we're not really here, we need to awaken from the belief that we are here and return to where we are a co-creator with God and the same as God, by removing the "blocks to the awareness of love's (God's) presence" via the true forgiveness process.
So if you are indeed looking for a book that puts A Course in Miracles into the everyday vernacular, without compromising on the integrity of its message, I would highly recommend The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness by Gary Renard. It explains A Course in Miracles like nothing else does, and is the only book (along with his follow up book, Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death, I've ever read on spirituality that made total sense to me from cover to cover, and left me with no unanswered questions.
Gary's books are the real deal when it comes to the Course, you many not like everything said, and it may downright piss you off, but you will get the straight up truth, no sugarcoating, and no being told what you necessarily want to hear. Like it states, "As with Jesus' teachings of 2,000 years ago, the world is attempting to do its usual job of obliterating the truth by incorporating parts of it into its illusions and covering over the real message of the Holy Spirit. We won't leave out the ideas you don't like. If you resist them or don't want to accept them after you hear them then that's your decision, but at least it won't be because you weren't told."
Giddy up!
Review of Return to Love on Amazon
3 out of 5 Stars
Just Doesn't Go Deep Enough
Before I get started, I should state that I don't write this review to be judgey of the author or the lovers of this book. I believe this philanthropic woman is very sincere in trying to be truly helpful, and has been by presenting ideas that meet many people where they are at with their spirituality.
With that said, however, I don't find this to be the ideal book to learn about A Course in Miracles. And as Jesus (or as I like call him, J-Dog) says in the Course, "Contrast and differences are necessary teaching aids, for by them you learn what to avoid and what to seek." And, "The Holy Spirit must teach through comparisons, and uses opposites to point to truth."
Now, I am certainly not saying that the author has nothing of value to say here, and that you should avoid this book. It's obviously been very helpful to many people in its own right over the years. And it could very well be exactly what you need for yourself right now. The author certainly has some good things to share. The problem with this book is that it doesn't really represent the true message of A Course in Miracles, which is referred to in the sub-title of this book.
What you really have here is a New Age/Self-Help, semi-dualistic interpretation of the Course, while the Course itself is a purely non-dualistic teaching by nature, meaning that God is and nothing else is. The Return to Love book speaks on the same level as the popular New Age authors whose books I studied in the mid 1990s through early 2000s, most notably Wayne Dyer and Neale Walsch. For me personally, I got to the point on my spiritual path where I outgrew that level of teaching just as everyone else will (or has) at some point. This level of teaching simply just doesn't go deep enough, even if it appears to be very enlightening.
Thus that leads to the other big problem with this book, from A Course in Miracles perspective, is that what the author has to say is geared towards changing the conscious mind and not addressing the unconscious mind, which is what REALLY runs us. Changing the conscious mind will only have a temporary, helpful impact at best. Like most of the iceberg is underneath the surface of the ocean, you can't see it; most of the mind is out of our awareness. But there is a way to get in touch with it, but you won't find that way in this book. And I know for me personally, I didn't make serious progress on my spiritual path until I started addressing the unconscious part of my mind.
On a level that we are not consciously aware of, we have this guilt buried in the mind over the seeming separation from God, what the Course refers to as the "blocks to the awareness of love's presence," and "the secret sins and hidden hates" which we must undo via the true forgiveness process outlined in the Course in order to really be free. As the Course states, "Of one thing you were sure: of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them." This unconscious guilt shows up to us symbolically in the form of all our negative emotions.
The author does talk about the importance of forgiveness, however, there is no real explanation as to what true forgiveness entails, and HOW to apply it in whatever comes up in front of your face on any given day. And leaving out the fact that all our problems are symbolic of the seeming separation from God, "A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct." So the Course teaches that, "Forgiveness is the only function meaningful in time." And, "The way to God is through forgiveness here. There is no other way."
Another thing going on here with this book is that the author uses terms such as "energy"; "consciousness"; "vibration"; and such, making them out to be important and real. However, the Course says of such ideas that they are "...the domain of the ego." The Course also teaches that there is no hierarchy of illusions, "All that a hierarchy of illusions can show is preference, not reality."
Also, the author talks about God in a way that implies that God acknowledges our individual lives here on earth, and that God and the "power of the universe" are one and the same. The author even has prayers in the book that begin with "Dear God." Yet the Course teaches, "The secret of true prayer is to forget the things you think you need."
And according to the Course, there is no world, so how could God acknowledge anything happening in the world, when there isn't one. A pretty far out idea for many, I grant you that, but that is what the Course is teaching and NOT what the author is writing about in this book. And the Course doesn't just say that there is no world. It says, "There is no world! This is the central thought the Course attempts to teach." And, "Whatever is true is eternal and cannot change or be changed." The universe, therefore, is obviously not true, not of God, and has no power. The Course also says, "The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever."
There's barely any mention about going Home in this book, which is what the Course is ultimately all about. Even in the section called Heaven's Gate, the author goes on a political spiel instead, making the world out to be something that needs to be fixed. Yet the Course teaches that the world cannot be fixed, "There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect. But there is indeed a point in changing your thoughts about the world. Here you are changing the cause. The effect will change automatically." And the Course teaches, "This is a course in cause and not effect."
So there is no explanation on what it means to go Home, and how to go about doing that. And as the Course says, "This world you seem to live in is not home to you. And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true." And, "This world is not where you belong. You are a stranger here. But it is given you to find the means whereby the world no longer seems to be a prison house or jail for anyone." So you won't be finding the way to return to where you really belong through this book, at least not by taking it at face value. You're likely to be left with the idea it's about making your life better rather than awakening from what you think of as your life. And there's no mention of our lives being self-predetermined. Like the Course teaches, "The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself."
Furthermore, there's no mention of how time and space is adjusted by the Holy Spirit and disappears for us as we perform a miracle, a miracle meaning that we apply forgiveness on whatever comes up in front of our faces on any given day. "When you perform a miracle, I will arrange both time and space to adjust to it." And, "The miracle shortens time by collapsing it, thus eliminating certain intervals within it."
The author also implies that our uniqueness, individual identity is something to be valued. Yet with the final destination of the Course being the return to Oneness, you can't have both Oneness and individual identities; it's impossible. And the Course teaches, "Forgiveness is the end of specialness." And, "You can defend your specialness, but never will you hear the Voice for God beside it."
I understand, and this is perfectly ok, that very few are ready for the real message of A Course in Miracles which is why there are so many mis-interpretations of the Course out there such as this one. The real message is just too threatening for one's ego for most people at this point in time, including many who consider themselves to be spiritually progressive when they are actually rather conservative. So, it's just a matter of what you're ready to accept, nothing wrong with that, but people shouldn't confuse this book as being the same as the Course.
Don't get me wrong, I do feel that this is a good book for people wanting to investigate new ideas and break free from the thinking of the world and the confines of organized religion, or perhaps for people who struggle with low self-esteem; this would certainly be a step in the right direction. But this book is more about "don't die with an unmet potential" or "live life to the fullest" or "become a better human" kind of a book; certainly nothing wrong with that. However, Return to Love leaves much to be desired if you're looking for a clear explanation on what A Course is Miracles is really all about; you'll just end up confused and conflicted because it's not consistent with the Course, even if you're not consciously aware of it.
Just from the Introduction piece alone the author states, "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here." And, "We came here to co-create with God by extending love." Well, if we didn't have fear, we would not have been born into this world to begin with. In fact, the Course says, "The world was made as an attack on God. It symbolizes fear." So we're not here to co-create with God, we're not really here, we need to awaken from the belief that we are here and return to where we are a co-creator with God and the same as God, by removing the "blocks to the awareness of love's (God's) presence" via the true forgiveness process.
So if you are indeed looking for a book that puts A Course in Miracles into the everyday vernacular, without compromising on the integrity of its message, I would highly recommend The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness by Gary Renard. It explains A Course in Miracles like nothing else does, and is the only book (along with his follow up book, Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death, I've ever read on spirituality that made total sense to me from cover to cover, and left me with no unanswered questions.
Gary's books are the real deal when it comes to the Course, you many not like everything said, and it may downright piss you off, but you will get the straight up truth, no sugarcoating, and no being told what you necessarily want to hear. Like it states, "As with Jesus' teachings of 2,000 years ago, the world is attempting to do its usual job of obliterating the truth by incorporating parts of it into its illusions and covering over the real message of the Holy Spirit. We won't leave out the ideas you don't like. If you resist them or don't want to accept them after you hear them then that's your decision, but at least it won't be because you weren't told."
Giddy up!
Review of Return to Love on Amazon
Thursday, April 18, 2013
There's a Cure for Everything
heard on a radio show today, “Alcoholism is a disease, and there is no
cure." I was like “What? Are you kidding me? Of course there's a cure,
there's a cure for everything!”
You just got in touch with the part of your mind that drives you to drink (or fill in any other disease or self-destructive habit) which is the unconscious guilt aka “your secret sins and hidden hates,” which really runs you, and undo it via true forgiveness. Like A Course in Miracles states,“Only salvation can be said to cure.” And, “Salvation and forgiveness are the same.” It goes on to say, “Atonement does not heal the sick, for that is not a cure. It takes away the guilt that makes the sickness possible. And that is cure indeed. “ And, “The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.” Once you remove enough unconscious guilt via true forgiveness, then you’ll no longer find self-punishment attractive. ~ Mikey
You just got in touch with the part of your mind that drives you to drink (or fill in any other disease or self-destructive habit) which is the unconscious guilt aka “your secret sins and hidden hates,” which really runs you, and undo it via true forgiveness. Like A Course in Miracles states,“Only salvation can be said to cure.” And, “Salvation and forgiveness are the same.” It goes on to say, “Atonement does not heal the sick, for that is not a cure. It takes away the guilt that makes the sickness possible. And that is cure indeed. “ And, “The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.” Once you remove enough unconscious guilt via true forgiveness, then you’ll no longer find self-punishment attractive. ~ Mikey
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A Course in Miracles Study Groups: Gary Renard, A True True Forgiveness Story
A little lengthy but worthy reading, especially if you're
currently in a study group where somebody may be driving you crazy! I'm
certain I was a forgiveness opportunity for some when I used to go; I
didn't compromise on the integrity of the Course and I probably laughed a little "too much." LOL
Excerpt from The Disappearance of the Universe on A Course in Miracles study groups:
Gary discusses his forgiveness opportunity he had at his ACIM study group in Maine in the 1990s
In the weeks following this extraordinary learning encounter with Pursah, I noticed my increasingly negative reaction to a member of my study group. This guy, whom I regarded as a friend, was a very loud and aggressive speaker, and he often dominated the time spent discussing the Course at our meetings.
His knowledge of the Course was impressive; I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone not known publicly as a Course teacher who knew more about it than he did. The problem was, he used his technical knowledge of the Course to make himself right and others wrong – instead of using it to forgive. This is a pitfall the ego can employ to ensnare any intelligent Course student, resulting in an attitude that says, Look at me. I know so much more than you I must be very enlightened!
My friend’s behavior in the group drove home for me the fact that it’s not just what you know, it’s what you do with it. Indeed, just knowing how to forgive wouldn’t get me home if I didn’t really do it. And who could provide a better opportunity for applying my new knowledge than my friend, whose abrasive teaching style took up so much time at our meetings?
What could his loud pronouncements be but a call for love? And what was the surest way to experience love but by removing everything in the way of that love, via forgiveness? I considered the possibility that Pursah and the Course were right; as I watched and listened to my friend at our meetings, I tried to comprehend that he wasn’t really there. I was only dreaming, and he was a figure I had made up so I could identify him as the problem causing my lack of peace (i.e., my annoyance with him.) In my ego’s script he was the guilty one, not me – but now I could change my mind. It didn’t really matter if I got in touch with the form of my own guilt that he was symbolizing for me. All that mattered was that I forgive. The Holy Spirit would take care of the details.
Without separation, this guy couldn’t exist apart from me – and if our separation from God was an illusion, then neither one of us could possibly exist as individuals. What I was seeing wasn’t really there. I could now perceive innocence, or true perception, by having the attitude that he was entirely without guilt. I could forgive him for what wasn’t really happening. In that view, my own sins of which I covertly accused myself were also forgiven. I released my brother to the Holy Spirit in peace, and thus I was released as well.
I knew this episode was just one step; along the way ahead there would certainly be resistance to forgiving many more “difficult” people and unpleasant circumstances. Miracles were all the same to the Holy Spirit, but definitely not to the ego. I wouldn’t always want to look at my ego as projected onto others. Noticing that very resistance was an essential part of doing the Course.
In fact, forgiving myself when I didn’t do the Course very well was a major part of the process. My ego couldn’t be forgiven and undone without looking at it first – and how did it show up most dramatically except in the desire not to forgive? True, I had resistance, but also persistence. Sometimes it would take me a second, a minute, a half-hour or a day, but whenever I felt the pitchforks of judgment rising up within me, ready to condemn something or someone who appeared to be outside of me, I would always change my mind, forgive, and remember Who my brothers and sisters really were. Then, as it must certainly follow, I would remember Who I was.
Perhaps this is how an ordinary life can become a great one, without the world even knowing. For when I practiced true forgiveness, it didn’t really matter to me what the world thought it knew.
More from The Disappearance of the Universe on A Course in Miracles study groups:
Study groups are not mentioned at all in the Course; they should be viewed primarily as a social phenomenon. They are not always the best sources of information either, but if they are given to the Holy Spirit and used for forgiveness, then you can be certain He’ll be happy to participate with you.
Study groups are not about joining with individuals on the level of the world, but for the sake of forgiveness that becomes possible through the relationships and the examination of your own ego. In study groups, churches, or anywhere else in this world, it appears that there are multiple teachers and learners. But there is really only one Teacher of the Course – and only one student.
An excerpt from Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? about study groups:
As far as I’m concerned, Course groups are not about the Course. Sitting around in a circle and taking turns reading from the Course book doesn’t do anything for me. In fact, it usually bores the hell out of me. If I want to spend two hours reading from the Course, well, I don’t need people to do that, I can just stay home and do that on my own. For me, Course groups are all about sharing experiences, being with people of like-mind and enjoying their company, and especially for practicing forgiveness on those whose company you don’t necessarily enjoy. (LOL)
For me, it’s not about seeing how many pages of the Course the group can plow through during any given session. Also, anybody new to Gary’s books and the Course should be studying it on their own, and not relying on people from Course groups to teach them. One reason for that being is that you are not likely to find total agreement on what the Course is saying amongst the people in the group, so you’ll just end up confused and thinking we’re all a bunch of idiots. But what I love about Gary’s books is that Arten and Pursah spell it all out for you on what the Course is really saying.
Giddy up!
Check out Mikey's Website for current specials, excerpts, and testimonials for Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?, fun links, and other information:
Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality.
Mikey Interviewed on You Tube: Kenneth Bok interviews Mikey
Mikey’s Spiel on You Tube: God Did Not Create The World - Thank God!
Gary Renard Fan Page:
The Disappearance of the Universe TV Series Fan Page:
Gary Renard's Website:
Gary Renard Podcast: Forgiveness.TV/Gary Renard Podcast
And for those who enjoy reading novels, check out my mom's recently released time-travel, reincarnation romance novel which would make an epic movie: Dream of Atlantis
Excerpt from The Disappearance of the Universe on A Course in Miracles study groups:
Gary discusses his forgiveness opportunity he had at his ACIM study group in Maine in the 1990s
In the weeks following this extraordinary learning encounter with Pursah, I noticed my increasingly negative reaction to a member of my study group. This guy, whom I regarded as a friend, was a very loud and aggressive speaker, and he often dominated the time spent discussing the Course at our meetings.
His knowledge of the Course was impressive; I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone not known publicly as a Course teacher who knew more about it than he did. The problem was, he used his technical knowledge of the Course to make himself right and others wrong – instead of using it to forgive. This is a pitfall the ego can employ to ensnare any intelligent Course student, resulting in an attitude that says, Look at me. I know so much more than you I must be very enlightened!
My friend’s behavior in the group drove home for me the fact that it’s not just what you know, it’s what you do with it. Indeed, just knowing how to forgive wouldn’t get me home if I didn’t really do it. And who could provide a better opportunity for applying my new knowledge than my friend, whose abrasive teaching style took up so much time at our meetings?
What could his loud pronouncements be but a call for love? And what was the surest way to experience love but by removing everything in the way of that love, via forgiveness? I considered the possibility that Pursah and the Course were right; as I watched and listened to my friend at our meetings, I tried to comprehend that he wasn’t really there. I was only dreaming, and he was a figure I had made up so I could identify him as the problem causing my lack of peace (i.e., my annoyance with him.) In my ego’s script he was the guilty one, not me – but now I could change my mind. It didn’t really matter if I got in touch with the form of my own guilt that he was symbolizing for me. All that mattered was that I forgive. The Holy Spirit would take care of the details.
Without separation, this guy couldn’t exist apart from me – and if our separation from God was an illusion, then neither one of us could possibly exist as individuals. What I was seeing wasn’t really there. I could now perceive innocence, or true perception, by having the attitude that he was entirely without guilt. I could forgive him for what wasn’t really happening. In that view, my own sins of which I covertly accused myself were also forgiven. I released my brother to the Holy Spirit in peace, and thus I was released as well.
I knew this episode was just one step; along the way ahead there would certainly be resistance to forgiving many more “difficult” people and unpleasant circumstances. Miracles were all the same to the Holy Spirit, but definitely not to the ego. I wouldn’t always want to look at my ego as projected onto others. Noticing that very resistance was an essential part of doing the Course.
In fact, forgiving myself when I didn’t do the Course very well was a major part of the process. My ego couldn’t be forgiven and undone without looking at it first – and how did it show up most dramatically except in the desire not to forgive? True, I had resistance, but also persistence. Sometimes it would take me a second, a minute, a half-hour or a day, but whenever I felt the pitchforks of judgment rising up within me, ready to condemn something or someone who appeared to be outside of me, I would always change my mind, forgive, and remember Who my brothers and sisters really were. Then, as it must certainly follow, I would remember Who I was.
Perhaps this is how an ordinary life can become a great one, without the world even knowing. For when I practiced true forgiveness, it didn’t really matter to me what the world thought it knew.
More from The Disappearance of the Universe on A Course in Miracles study groups:
Study groups are not mentioned at all in the Course; they should be viewed primarily as a social phenomenon. They are not always the best sources of information either, but if they are given to the Holy Spirit and used for forgiveness, then you can be certain He’ll be happy to participate with you.
Study groups are not about joining with individuals on the level of the world, but for the sake of forgiveness that becomes possible through the relationships and the examination of your own ego. In study groups, churches, or anywhere else in this world, it appears that there are multiple teachers and learners. But there is really only one Teacher of the Course – and only one student.
An excerpt from Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? about study groups:
As far as I’m concerned, Course groups are not about the Course. Sitting around in a circle and taking turns reading from the Course book doesn’t do anything for me. In fact, it usually bores the hell out of me. If I want to spend two hours reading from the Course, well, I don’t need people to do that, I can just stay home and do that on my own. For me, Course groups are all about sharing experiences, being with people of like-mind and enjoying their company, and especially for practicing forgiveness on those whose company you don’t necessarily enjoy. (LOL)
For me, it’s not about seeing how many pages of the Course the group can plow through during any given session. Also, anybody new to Gary’s books and the Course should be studying it on their own, and not relying on people from Course groups to teach them. One reason for that being is that you are not likely to find total agreement on what the Course is saying amongst the people in the group, so you’ll just end up confused and thinking we’re all a bunch of idiots. But what I love about Gary’s books is that Arten and Pursah spell it all out for you on what the Course is really saying.
Giddy up!
Check out Mikey's Website for current specials, excerpts, and testimonials for Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?, fun links, and other information:
Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality.
Mikey Interviewed on You Tube: Kenneth Bok interviews Mikey
Mikey’s Spiel on You Tube: God Did Not Create The World - Thank God!
Gary Renard Fan Page:
The Disappearance of the Universe TV Series Fan Page:
Gary Renard's Website:
Gary Renard Podcast: Forgiveness.TV/Gary Renard Podcast
And for those who enjoy reading novels, check out my mom's recently released time-travel, reincarnation romance novel which would make an epic movie: Dream of Atlantis
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Release Date for Love Has Forgotten No One
Here's the latest on the long awaited 3rd book by Gary Renard, Love Has Forgotten No One
Hi Friends,
The third book in the Disappearance trilogy, Love Has Forgotten No One, is complete and will be released by my publisher, Hay House, on October 8th. I know for some of you eight months may seem like a long way off, but in the publishing business it's not. Hay House publishes a lot of books, and they've chosen an excellent time of year to release Love Has Forgotten No One. I'm very excited about how it came out. As you'll see in the book itself, there were forgiveness opportunities that led to its delay, but I think that makes it a better book. LHFNO is also closely related to the TV series we're working on that's based on my books (
Because this is a trilogy, I'm encouraging people to either read or re-read the first two books before reading the third one. The three fit together, like a hologram. My Ascended Master teachers, Arten and Pursah have blown my mind again, even when I thought they couldn't surprise me anymore. The book continues and accelerates the process of undoing the ego. It's a fascinating, roller coaster ride to the mysterious truths behind the modern spiritual masterpiece, A Course in Miracles. Arten and Pursah will take you, along with me, on a whirlwind tour of the after-life, teach you a method that will, with practice, melt away all of your past bad karma, and reveal the ingredient that's missing in almost all the popular "self help" practices of today. By the end of this book, you will discover that, indeed, Love Has Forgotten No One. I hope you'll share the release date with everyone you know.
Thanks and love,
Hi Friends,

The third book in the Disappearance trilogy, Love Has Forgotten No One, is complete and will be released by my publisher, Hay House, on October 8th. I know for some of you eight months may seem like a long way off, but in the publishing business it's not. Hay House publishes a lot of books, and they've chosen an excellent time of year to release Love Has Forgotten No One. I'm very excited about how it came out. As you'll see in the book itself, there were forgiveness opportunities that led to its delay, but I think that makes it a better book. LHFNO is also closely related to the TV series we're working on that's based on my books (
Because this is a trilogy, I'm encouraging people to either read or re-read the first two books before reading the third one. The three fit together, like a hologram. My Ascended Master teachers, Arten and Pursah have blown my mind again, even when I thought they couldn't surprise me anymore. The book continues and accelerates the process of undoing the ego. It's a fascinating, roller coaster ride to the mysterious truths behind the modern spiritual masterpiece, A Course in Miracles. Arten and Pursah will take you, along with me, on a whirlwind tour of the after-life, teach you a method that will, with practice, melt away all of your past bad karma, and reveal the ingredient that's missing in almost all the popular "self help" practices of today. By the end of this book, you will discover that, indeed, Love Has Forgotten No One. I hope you'll share the release date with everyone you know.
Thanks and love,
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