Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Interview of Mikey: Author of Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Here's the link to an interview of me over the weekend conducted by Danielle Boonstra of MiracleShare, in case you'd like something to listen to while sitting on the toilet or something. We discuss Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?; The Disappearance of the Universe; and A Course in Miracles. It's about 35 minutes. Thanks Danielle! Giddy up! Link to Interview

Try this one if the above link doesn't work: Alternate Link to Interview

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Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and A Course in Miracles:

What is True Forgiveness? (Article Version)
What is True Forgiveness? (You Tube version)

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Brand New Gary Renard free podcast hosted by Gene Bogart: Gary Renard Podcast #43