Monday, March 24, 2008

Gary Renard Announcements

Gary Renard will be here in Ashland, OR August 16-17, 2008. Time and place to be announced.

Gary's new book, Love has Forgotten No One - The Answer to Life, will be released on September 9, 2008. Here's the Editorial Review:

In this fascinating book, Gary R. Renard and his Ascended Master teachers, Arten and Pursah, guide you through a way of dissolving the illusions of time and space and returning to Reality, which is Perfect Love. This is not love in the way the world commonly thinks of it. It’s an all-encompassing kind of love that is perfect spirit: innocent, unflawed, immortal, invulnerable, and forever fearless.

Real love, which is Divine in nature, must be experienced, for it is beyond words. Yet words and practice are needed to help lead you to that experience. The knowledge of what it’s like to be one with your Source is the awesome mystical experience that’s been described by Masters throughout the ages. It’s the greatest sense of awareness anyone can have while still appearing to be in this world. This book will teach you exactly how to get to that experience, which upon the end of your physical existence will become your permanent reality. You will find that, indeed, love has forgotten no one.

About Gary, from his website, with my two cents inserted:

Gary Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, was born on the historic North Shore of Massachusetts (he's a former Masshole just like me!) He became a successful professional guitar player, but during the harmonic convergence of 1987, he heard a Calling and began to take his life in a different direction. At the beginning of the 1990’s, he moved to Maine, where he underwent a powerful spiritual awakening. As instructed, he slowly and carefully wrote Disappearance over a period of nine years. In the fall of 2003, after much encouragement from other speakers and students, Gary began to present talks and workshops in public. His speaking career took off remarkably fast, and today he lectures internationally.

Combining a disarming sense of humor with radical, cutting-edge metaphysical information and experiential exercises, Gary has been described as one of the most interesting and courageous spiritual speakers in the world. He has spoken in 40 states, Canada, Australia, England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal and Costa Rica; and was the keynote speaker at the International A Course in Miracles Conferences in Salt Lake City and San Francisco (Gary's the freakin' man!)

My next post should be out this week. It'll be about why I love Gary's stuff so much. Future posts include What True Forgiveness is All About, and My Catholic School Days. Stay Tuned!!!

God Is

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