Sunday, May 17, 2015

Gary Renard's Rebuttal to Comments Made at Recent Course in Miracles Conference in New York City

Gary Renard is the frickin' man! Gotta love this Gary character, he really sticks to the Course! Giddy up!
In addition to what Gary shares in this letter, I would also add that from my personal observation, that those who are usually drawn to versions of the Course not published by The Foundation for Inner Peace usually make it about what you DO in the world, messing around with effects, rather than taking care of the mind, which is cause. Yet the Course teaches, "This is a course in cause and not effect."
Additionally, those same people don't seem ready to accept the idea that they don't really exist as an individual soul or identity of any kind. But as the Course tells you, "You can defend your specialness, but never will you hear the Voice for God beside it."
Now, I don't say any of this to condemn anyone in any way, as people can only accept what they're ready to accept, but as Arten and Pursah would say, "We don’t mean to be disrespectful, but we have to make certain controversial statements because there’s not exactly an oversupply of people in your society (or Course community) who are willing to point these things out."
Anyway, here's what I Gary wrote in response to comments made at the NYC conference about the Foundation for Inner Peace's version of A Course in Miracles being a lie.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Awesome New Course in Miracles Podcast

The Course, of Course!  Includes many references to the books of Gary Renard - The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and Love Has Forgotten No One - and my book as well, Dude, Where' My Jesus Fish?  Enjoy!  Giddy up!

Access the podcast here: The Course, Of Course Podcast