Friday, April 6, 2012

The Crucifixion: Not a Message of Sacrifice Part 2

Excerpt from The Disappearance of the Universe, Pursah talking about the days of Jesus' time on earth, keeping in mind that Pursah is speaking with the benefit of being the disciple of Jesus, Thomas, in that lifetime.

Pursah: Like most people today, instead of really listening back then to what J was teaching, most of us saw and heard what we wanted to see and hear so we could use him to validate our own experience - which was the experience of being an individual in a body.  Thus, we had to make him a separate and very special individual  body, which is how we really saw ourselves, and how you still see yourself.

Pursah goes on talking about the development of a new religion...

 Before you knew it, you had people relating to J as the body of all bodies.  They already believed God had created a flawed world with imperfect people like Adam and Eve who were capable of making mistakes.  They completely overlooked the logic that for God to create the imperfect must either mean that He Himself was imperfect or He deliberately made  those who were so they could screw up, be punished by Him and suffer here on psycho planet.  Then, according to this developing new religion , God takes – incredibly – His big-time special only begotten Son, who would apparently be more Holy than the rest of the scum of the earth, and sends him as a blood sacrifice to suffer and die on a cross as a way of vicariously atoning for people’s sins.

Except now there’s another  big problem, because even according to Christianity’s own doctrines, this does not really atone for anybody else’s sins.  If it atoned for people’s sins, then that would be the end of it.  Problem solved.  But no!  It now becomes necessary for everyone to blindly believe  in all of the details conveniently set forth exclusively by the Christian religion, or else they will still  burn in hell, even if they happened to be born – presumably by God’s will – in a place, time or culture that isn’t even familiar with this particular religion!

Gary: It does all sound a little bizarre when you pit that way.  The whole thought system isn’t exactly complimentary to the nature of God.

Arten: That’s because it’s all symbolic of a fearful image of God rather than a loving one.  We don’t mean to be disrespectful, but we have to make certain controversial statements because there’s not exactly an oversupply of people in your society who are willing to point these things out.  It is  true that at the time J was the most advanced spiritual person to ever appear on the earth.  But everyone else, including you, will eventually attain the same level of accomplishment as him.  There is no exception to this.  Thus, J is not ultimately different from anyone else, and his attitude was that no one  will be left out of Heaven, because there is really only one  of us – not all these separate bodies as you are presently dreaming.

Mikey's Note: I would add to what Arten said that everyone will attain the same level of achievement, however, many won't experience that in their current lifetimes.  In fact, most will need many more lifetimes to get there, others will be ready in their current incarnations, or within the next couple. They are the "chosen ones" not because the "chosen ones'" are special, but because they are ready to start letting go of all psychological attachments to every person, place, thing, ideas, outcomes and circumstances.  As Pursah states in Disappearance, "J chooses everyone, all the time.  But how many are ready to listen?"  As a percentage of the planet's population, very few indeed. I know there was once a time when I  wasn't ready, thankfully, I am now because I know from experience that nothing  in the world can offer me permanent gratification.

To this sum puppy up with a funny from Disappearance
Gary: So I keep reincarnating because of this unconscious guilt and fear that’s in my mind.  You’re saying if the guilt was healed, and I didn’t have this hidden fear, then I wouldn’t have any need for a body, the world, or even the universe?
Arten: Excellent.  I knew you weren’t a dumb bastard.  I tried to tell J, but he wouldn’t listen.

Giddy up!

 Link to Part 1

Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?  page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and A Course in Miracles:

Mikey's website for special offers on Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

What is True Forgiveness? (Article Version)
What is True Forgiveness? (You Tube version)

The Gary Renard Facebook Fan Page:

The Disappearance of the Universe TV Series Facebook Fan Page:

Gary Renard's website:

Gary Renard's free podcasts with Gene Bogart: Forgiveness.TV

A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Crucifixion: Not a Message of Sacrifice Part 1

Excerpts from Gary Renard's The Disappearance of the Universe, as well as A Course in Miracles, on what the Crucifixion was really all about.

First, it should be stated that Jesus is not special, and never claimed to be.  You can find that not only in the Course, but even in the Bible when it "momentarily stumbles upon the truth" as Pursah once put it.

From the Course:
  • If you want to be like me I will help you, knowing that we are alike.  If you want to be different, I will wait until you change your mind.  I can teach you, but only you can choose to listen to my teaching.
  • There is nothing about me that you cannot attain.  I have nothing that does not come from God.  The difference between us now is that I have nothing else.  This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you.
From The Bible
  • In the Bible Jesus is quoted as saying, "In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  Pursah rhetorically asks in The Disappearance of the Universe, "If he wasn’t a man who had lessons to learn like you, then why would he have to overcome the world in the first place?"
  • "....Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do."
From The Disappearance of the Universe
  The message of the crucifixion has been interpreted by the world as a message of sacrifice.  That is not the lesson J intended it to be.  His lesson was one of resurrection rather than crucifixion.  J says there is no death, and that the body is nothing.  The church has confused the manner of his death as a call to sacrifice and suffer for God.  That is incorrect.

  It is not necessary for you to repeat the example of the crucifixion.  As J tells you in the Course, "You are not asked to be crucified, which was part of my own teaching contribution.  You are merely asked to follow my example in the face of much less extreme temptations to misperceive, and not to accept them as false justifications for anger."  Remembering that, all you need to do is understand the real lesson of it and apply it, through your forgiveness attitude, to your own body and your own personal life’s circumstances.  Here is part of what J says in the Course in the section titled The Message of the Crucifixion.  You will never find a more striking example of refusing to compromise on the truth.

"Assault can ultimately be made only on the body.  There is little doubt that one body can assault another, and can even destroy it.  Yet if destruction itself is impossible, anything that is destructible cannot be real.  Its destruction, therefore, does not justify anger.  To the extent to which you believe that it does, you are accepting false premises and teaching them to others.  The message the crucifixion was intended to teach was that it is not necessary to perceive any form of assault in persecution, because you cannot be persecuted.  If you respond with anger, you must be equating yourself with the destructible, and are therefore regarding yourself insanely."

He then goes on to say in that same section, "The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are.  If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended."

Mikey's Note: Just remember that J is not calling for martyrs but for teachers.  Like Pursah famously puts in Gary's 2nd book, Your Immortal Reality, "Remember, the Course is done at the level of the mind.  If you’re a woman and a man is trying to rape you, kick him in the balls.You can forgive it later.   

Another excerpt from Disappearance
The law of forgiveness is this, "Fear binds the world, forgiveness sets it free."  The world feels solid to you because fear binds it.  It didn't feel solid to J because he had forgiven the world.  That's why the nails didn't hurt him as they were being driven into his flesh.  Being guiltless, his mind could not suffer – and someday you will attain the condition where you cannot suffer.  That is the destiny the Holy Spirit holds out to you when you forgive the episodic fantasies of your bodily addicted ego.

And to close this puppy out with a funny from Disappearance:
Arten: People have a lot of assumptions, but J didn’t come to the world in order to start some religion so people could make other people wrong for having bodies and wanting to use them.  He taught forgiveness, and still does, in order to teach people the total insignificance of the body.
Gary: So I can live and forgive simultaneously – and it’s possible to have both an erection and a resurrection.
Arten: That’s true – just not at the same time!

Giddy up!

Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?  page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and A Course in Miracles:

Mikey's website for special offers on Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

What is True Forgiveness? (Article Version)
What is True Forgiveness? (You Tube version)

The Gary Renard Facebook Fan Page:

The Disappearance of the Universe TV Series Facebook Fan Page:

Gary Renard's website:

Gary Renard's free podcasts with Gene Bogart: Forgiveness.TV

A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fringe Benefits of Doing the Course

Excerpt from Gary Renard's Your Immortal Reality on the fringe benefits of practicing the Course's thought system
Gary: Okay, I have a question. Every now and then I read about one of these Nazis who escape to South America, and there will be a report that the guy died and he was like in his 80s or 90s or something. Now I’ve been told for the last 25 years that my thinking determines my health. So how come these jerks get to live to be a hundred? I mean, what kind of thoughts, must they have been having most of their lives?
Arten: Get a grip, Gary. Your thoughts determine your experience of life, not what happens in your life. What happens on the level of form – how long you live, how rich or poor you are, whether or not you’re faced with the challenge of heart disease, stroke, cancer, or what have you – was all determined before you ever appeared to be born. The instant you chose the ego on that metaphysical level, everything else was a done deal. That’s why life here isn’t fair. And don’t ask why you should even bother! I just said you do determine your experience with your thoughts, and your experience is what’s important.
The only real power you have here is the power to choose between the ego and the Holy Spirit. In the process, if you happen to change dimensions of time through the Holy Spirit’s collapsing of time and thus have a different scenario play itself out within the fixed script, then you should consider that to be a fringe benefit. That’s not what the Course is about, though.
As for the collapsing of time, remember that only the Holy Spirit knows what’s best for everyone. Put Him in charge of time and space. Put the one in charge who knows everything. If you’re sick and your symptoms change through choosing forgiveness, then consider that to be a fringe benefit, also. The real goal is Heaven, but the short-term goal is peace, and the end of all pain and suffering. It’s absolutely within your means to learn to end all pain and suffering, despite anything that appears to be happening in the world and regardless of what your symptoms appear to be. That’s the Holy Spirit’s answer to the ego’s script of guilt, pain, suffering, and death.
Gary: So that Nazi would have lived to be 90, anyway, but the quality of his life and how he experiences those 90 years is determined by his thoughts, and that also goes for his spiritual progress and how many more lifetimes he has to come back for.
Arten: Exactly. Excellent.
Mikey’s Note: Yes, the whole point of doing the Course is to be at peace regardless of what goes in on in the world and your own personal life’s circumstances. Simple, but of course it’s not always easy, especially when the right person comes along or situation arises that pushes your buttons in some way. Of course, that's another opportunity to remember to apply forgiveness, and thus remove another layer of the ego, the false you. Then we can get to the point where it doesn't matter if these people or situations present themselves, we can laugh at it all instead.
Also as a fringe benefit of practicing the Course's thought system, we may receive inspired guidance to make a change or changes so that we are no longer presented with particular forgiveness opportunities because we healed that particular aspect of our unconscious that was reflected in those opportunities. It's perfectly all right to want to make changes in our lives, even though that is not the main purpose of doing the Course. The key is to remember to not put "the cart in front of the horse" which means we focus on working at the level of cause and not effect. When you take care of the cause, on the level of the unconscious, the effect takes care of itself, or at the very least we experience it differently. And as J says in the Course, "This a course in cause and not effect."
Then once we have forgiven everything, then we are free of the chains that bind us and we go Home, back to Reality, which is described by Pursah as being like, "...a perfect, indescribable ecstasy that never ceases; the very peak of a perfect sexual orgasm, except this orgasm never stops. It keeps going on forever with no decrease in its powerful and flawless intensity." I'm down - Giddy up!
Join the Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish? page where I post a Quote of the Day from The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and A Course in Miracles:
Mikey's website for special offers on Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?
What is True Forgiveness? (Article Version)
What is True Forgiveness? (You Tube version)
The Gary Renard Facebook Fan Page:
The Disappearance of the Universe TV Series Facebook Fan Page:
Gary Renard's website:
Gary Renard's free podcast with Gene Bogart: Forgiveness.TV